Monday, September 08, 2008

DNC vs. RNC, not down with OPP

I've made a decision. I have decided that if McCain and Palin are elected into office, I am going to rescind my American citizenship and move to Ireland. What brought this about, you ask? Well, let me tell you. You see, I made the mistake of viewing the Republican National Convention on television recently. Every single politician that spoke was embarrassingly snide. Instead of coming out and saying "I'll do this," or "we'll fix that," the tone of the speeches took on that of a bad high school debate. "He thinks this and he's stupid for it," or "he can't even do that," or "he's a big fat stupid-head," were not said exactly, but that is what their words boiled down to. The worst offender was Palin. Her wry smile and arrogance (transparently disguised as poise and confidence) shone through her entire time at the podium. After nearly every sentence, she would pause, wait for the crowd to realize that they were being prompted to cheer and hold up their handcrafted posterboard signs. As soon as she would finish one of her immature and insolent verbal attacks, the camera would cut to her unwed pregnant daughter holding the most recent Palin hellspawn in her lap. Yes sir, the GOP thrives on putting it's best feet forward and putting up a conservatively wholesome image. However, they seem to have lost sight of the fact that the people they seek to rule will eventually get fed up enough to overtake them and toss their political careers into the gutter. If America decides that this combination of Old Man River and Lil' Miss Hypocrite are the best candidates for the job, I will officially lose all faith in this "great" nation of ours. If America again shows the world that they fear change by electing the conservative dickholes of the republican party, I'm leaving. I'm going to pack a bag, sell all of my shit and get the hell out. No thanks, I don't need a hand stamp for re-entry; I'm tossing my ticket stub in the trash and not turning back.

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